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The Hotel Design of the Year Award is a prestigious accolade that celebrates and recognises excellence in the field of hotel design and architecture. This award honours the most innovative, aesthetically pleasing, and functionally exceptional hotel designs from across Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It serves as a benchmark for the highest standards in the hospitality industry, encouraging architects and designers to push the boundaries of creativity and sustainability in their hotel projects.  

Within your entry please consider: 

  • Innovation 

  • Aesthetic excellence 

  • Functionality 

  • Sustainability 

  • Guest experience 

  • Integration of local culture 

  • Innovation in technology 

awards picture

Submit your nomination below!

If your nominee is shortlisted by the judges, we will need to get a biography and photo from them quite quickly. If you have the nominee’s details, please provide a contact email for the person you’ve nominated, so that we can get in touch with them. 





Registration for Independent Hotel Show Munich is open!

Following success in London, Amsterdam and Miami, the Independent Hotel Show - the only trade event dedicated exclusively to the needs of independent hoteliers - is coming to Germany.

Secure your ticket today!