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Fritz Dickamp

Fritz Dickamp

Managing Director & & Podcast Host, Studio49 & SMACK Hospitality

Fritz Dickamp is Managing Director of Studio 49, an award-winning online marketing agency for hospitality, and initiator and host of SMACK Hospitality, a podcast and edutainment platform sharing stories of the industry's top decision-makers through engaging formats.

Since graduating from École Hôtelière de Lausanne in 2013, Fritz has specialized in digital marketing, enthusiastically advancing e-commerce and digitization in hospitality and tourism. He manages one of Europe's leading hospitality online marketing agencies, serves on advisory boards, lectures at European hospitality schools, and is a keynote speaker with engagements at TedX and major conventions like ITB, IHIF, WTM, and ATM. As a member of Premium Speakers, he entertains audiences with knowledgeable and fun presentations that offer plenty of food for thought.

Fritz Dickamp is among a generation of hospitality thought leaders combining industry enthusiasm with an understanding of modern digital-age business models.






Anmeldung zur Independent Hotel Show Munich ab sofort möglich!

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass die Anmeldung zur ersten Independent Hotel Show Munich, die am 20. und 21. November im MOC München stattfinden wird, ab sofort möglich ist. Nach den Erfolgen unserer Messen in London, Amsterdam und Miami freuen wir uns, nun auch in die dynamische DACH-Region zu expandieren!