Lea Jordan
Lea Jordan ist Moderatorin, Beraterin und Netzwerkerin in der internationalen Reisebranche. Als Mitglied des Board of Experts des ITB Berlin Kongresses verantwortet sie die Bereiche Digitalisierung, Travel und Hoteltechnologie sowie Startups. Bevor Lea als Mitgründerin techtalk.travel mit aufbaute, war sie Geschäftsführerin des HSMA Deutschland e.V. und in diversen Positionen in der europäischen Hotellerie tätig. Lea studierte Business and Hospitality Management an der Hotelschool The Hague.
Lea Jordan is a business event moderator, consultant, and networker in the international hospitality and travel industry. As a member of the Board of Experts of the ITB Berlin Convention, she is responsible for digitalization, travel and hotel technology, and start-ups. Previously, she co-founded techtalk.travel, a globally recognized multimedia technology, and digital transformation knowledge platform for the hotel industry. Before this, Lea shaped the hotel association HSMA Deutschland e.V. for around 8 years, the last four years as Managing Director. She brings extensive industry knowledge, which she has acquired in various positions in the European hotel industry. Lea is an Alumna of Hotelschool The Hague in the Netherlands.
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